A Letter to the Silent Voice

Rini Thomas
4 min readFeb 2, 2021


Dear Ishida-Kun, (Movie: A Silent Voice)

It’s only been two days since I saw you. I couldn’t get enough of who you are. Arigato, for going back to Nishimiya-san. You are truly a good friend. I just can’t comprehend that you are just a fictional character.

Shoya Ishida (Main Character)

We’ve all done things in our life. Things we regret, things that still make us sad, things that are still stuck in the back of our minds that all we could do is bury it under. You could’ve just died and not even Nishimiya would’ve known. You went beyond your sanity just by confronting her again. You knew the cost of what you did to her. And just by that, I think you had already atoned for what you did. It was sad to see the things you did. But when the tables turned, it was equally sad to see you alone. But you truly changed. But I guess I could understand if the loneliness made you feel like you should die. Just a moment’s difference changed your life forever. And you showed the world that better chances will come by if you just choose to live.

“I need you to help me live” — Ishida

From a bully to the kindest soul. I think I just witnessed the best glow up. You wanted to be cool, you acted like you didn’t care but deep inside you did. You noticed your mom’s unease, her ear that bled (due to pulling her earring probably, as she sold it to repay Nishimiya’s mom), what a sweet mom you have. She makes me warm. And I am glad she has a son like you. You just lightened my heart and I’m so grateful. You embraced your loneliness, considering it’s the compensation for your sins. You became unsociable and couldn’t afford to have fun. You thought it was not your right to have friends or to have fun. But it found you. Even the universe chose to overlook your past, I wonder. You were truly kind. And it found you back like you said, “what comes around goes around”.

Nobody is perfect. We give ourselves a lot of chances to get back up. And at times we need someone to tell us it’ll be okay. I’m glad you found Nishimiya. She is truly kind to like you after all. You weren’t afraid to ask her to help you live. After all, maybe what you needed was a reason to live. And maybe she is that reason. We all need that something to look forward to. And you showed us that we need not search for such a reason beyond worlds. Happiness, a reason to live, everything can only be a step away. All we have to do is reach out for it. Seeing you made my heart rejoice. I think you’d be someone a majority of today’s generation could relate to.

The torn calendar manifested your torn self. And the fact that you were spirited enough to patch it back up, shows a lot. Maybe that is something teenagers and adults need to know today. It’s okay to be torn as long as you are alive to put it back together. Everyone needs to feel kindness. You needed it too. But you showed that one must give it to get it back. I’m grateful I found you. You are truly inspiring. Such a pure soul you’ve become.

Even though it’s just a story. I find myself entangled in it. There is always room for change as long as you are available to the change. People can’t be perfect. But the least one could do is make themselves happy, trying to embrace themselves. And hence walking over to one’s own redemption. It made me cry to see you relieving from your unsociable ways as the ‘X’ marks peeled off of people’s faces, that peeled away your insecurities too. As if your life was reset. We all need such redemption, to stop hating ourselves, to embrace our flaws, and to keep moving forward.

Ishida finds redemption


The movie is an absolute masterpiece that deals with bullying, depression, self-hatred and regret. The direction, as well as cinematography, is brilliant as it lifts the whole topic in consideration to another level. The frequent references to nature and its events invoke a sense of tranquility. The movie has its flaws but it handles various issues with such delicacy that I personally think it can appeal to our cores. Also, various incidents and instances can push you to the edge but after all, that is what this movie is about — the reality of life.

P.S. By this letter, I do not intend to glorify bullying or the actions of the character. Instead, I really appreciate his development as a character.

